How to make Confluence pages pop with multimedia content

How to make Confluence pages pop with multimedia content

We’ve all been there – you’re halfway done reading a document only to realize you haven’t absorbed a single word. People tend to zone out when they’re presented with a wall of text. So how can you create reports or memos at work without losing your audience’s attention? One answer is to use some of our new apps to make your Confluence pages more engaging with multimedia content.

Years of research confirm people are more likely to remember information if it’s presented alongside multimedia content. A 2013 study found people were 42 percent more likely to remember written information if it appeared next to illustrations. Their retention rate became even better if the information was presented through a video.

Confluence has always provided the tools to enhance your pages with visuals. But our new apps in Atlassian Marketplace make it easier than ever for you to embed and configure multimedia content in your pages. In other words, you can now create more memorable content in less time.

Give pages life with GIFs

A GIF is worth a thousand words. So why type it out when the Giphy (GIF) for Confluence app now allows you to search and embed GIFs all from the sidebar of your Confluence Cloud page?

No matter how you’re using GIFs, this form of multimedia content is sure to capture attention. Trying to explain how to use a certain feature of your company software system? Many people use GIFs to show step-by-step how to solve technical problems.

Of course, these moving images are also useful if you just want to inject some fun into your page. Trust us, one dog GIF can go a long way when it comes to getting people engaged.

Giphy for Confluence will allow you to easily alter the size of the GIFs you embed. You can also set a search phrase in your macro so that each time you open your Confluence page, a different GIF related to the term will appear.

Engage readers with video

The Advanced Youtube and Vimeo Integration app will help you easily embed videos in your content. No need to link your readers outside your page to gain access to quality, instructional videos. All you have to do is paste your Youtube or Vimeo URL to embed videos and engage your readers with multimedia content.

With the app, you’ll be able to adjust the height and width of both Youtube and Vimeo videos in your pages. You’ll also gain more advanced configuration options that are specific to each platform.

When you embed Youtube videos, you can:

When you embed Vimeo videos, you can:

Spice things up with embedded designs

Your Confluence pages don’t have to be a place just to talk about designs. With the Marvel for Confluence app, they can become a space to show exactly how they work.

Once you download the app, all you have to do is paste a link to easily embed designs, prototypes or wireframes from Marvel. Plus, Marvel designs are interactive, making them more engaging for your teammates than a picture or screenshot.

Try adding multimedia content to your Confluence pages

With these tools, embedding GIFs, videos, and designs in your Confluence pages is simple. Use them to keep your team engaged and take your content to the next level. You can also take a look at more apps in Atlassian Marketplace that will expand what you can do with Confluence.

Discover more multimedia apps for Confluence

Atlassian Marketplace


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