People don’t hate meetings—not really. They hate poorly run meetings. Our research reveals more than two-thirds (72%) of meetings are deemed ineffective by attendees. When asked why, more than half (52%) of workers cited leaving meetings without any clear idea of the next steps or who owns which task.

Capturing detailed notes and clearly outlining the next steps (with owners and deadlines attached) are meeting facilitation best practices. However, taking notes during the meeting can impact your ability to engage in the moment, and distributing notes and action items can be time-consuming.

To make this critical yet often tedious step easier, we are welcoming Rewatch to the Atlassian family. Rewatch, a platform that uses AI to optimize virtual meetings, will be integrated with Loom, Atlassian’s async video communication tool.

Once this integration is complete, customers will be able to deploy an AI-powered meeting assistant in their virtual meetings to automatically record the meeting, take detailed notes, extract action items, and send follow-ups to meeting attendees. This knowledge will be searchable across the Atlassian products, such as Jira and Confluence, so relevant updates are surfaced with colleagues who may not have been in the meeting.

Turn talk into action with Loom + Rewatch

Whether you are hosting your meeting via Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet, the meeting assistant will be automatically added to the invite list. When your meeting kicks off, attendees will see that your meeting assistant has joined, even if you are not present.

Loom AI Assistant joining a meeting

Moments after the meeting wraps, the recording will be waiting in your Loom Library for editing and sharing. Along with the recording, Loom AI will generate several types of content for meeting attendees and those it’s shared with to review asynchronously, including:

  • Tailored meeting notes: The meeting assistant will generate notes based on templates for common meeting types. You’ll be able to edit what the assistant creates or drop in your own notes.
  • Action items: Your meeting assistant will create and assign the to-do list so you can avoid the post-meeting scramble. In the future, Rovo Agents will review the notes and action items and automatically update related Confluence pages, Jira issues, service tickets, and more.
  • Full Transcript: Attendees can search for what was said, copy snippets, or download the full transcript. They can also translate meeting transcripts and captions across 50+ languages.

The meeting notes, action items, and transcript will be available for others to search for and find within other Atlassian products – including Confluence and Rovo, in alignment with your access permissions. This will help improve visibility and knowledge sharing across your organization.

The meeting recording, notes, and action items in your Loom Library

Connect your Google or Outlook Calendar & create automations

Many of us live by our calendar. It helps orient our days. The integration of Rewatch will connect Loom with your calendar, so you will be able to:

  1. Create automations to enable or disable recording based on rules
  2. Individually select which meetings you want to record
  3. Send an assistant to record on-demand, even if you don’t attend
  4. Automate sharing and access to a recording based on meeting attendees

The new meeting recording and AI-powered features – including calendar integration, transcripts, meeting notes, and action items – will be available as part of the Loom platform in the coming quarters.

Try Loom today

Atlassian is on a mission to help individuals collaborate more efficiently on their terms. Asynchronous collaboration is unlocking more thoughtful teamwork, giving workers the time and space they need to contribute more meaningfully, and AI is making it easier than ever. We’ll continue to bring new AI features to Loom to make getting work done feel less like work.

Haven’t tried Loom yet? It’s a no stress way to record your screen and camera, then get a ready-to-share video with titles, summaries, chapters, etc. Avoid low-value meetings by sharing a Loom video instead. 96% of Loom users say the Loom AI suite features are extremely or very valuable to their workflows.

Atlassian welcomes the Rewatch team to bring AI-powered meeting recording to Loom