Unlock enterprise knowledge with Atlassian Rovo

Unlock enterprise knowledge with Atlassian Rovo

Meet the latest evolution in human-AI collaboration, powered by Atlassian Intelligence

Generative AI is critical to unleashing the potential of all teams, and we’re excited to use this revolutionary technology to improve the way teams work. A year ago, we launched Atlassian Intelligence to help teams boost productivity with AI.

Since then, we’ve turned our attention to using AI to solve the highly complex problem of enterprise search and knowledge discovery. Our goal is to enable you to turn Atlassian and third-party data from across your organization into actionable insights and knowledge-driven decisions. In this age of generative AI, every team member deserves to have superpowers, and we want to make sure we deliver them.

Consider this: “47% of digital workers struggle to find the information or data needed to effectively perform their jobs”, according to a recent survey by Gartner(r). This is not surprising given large companies (2,000+ employees) use over 230 apps on average. With bodies of enterprise data this vast, valuable knowledge gets trapped in information silos – a costly problem that gets worse by the minute. Imagine having a simple solution to not only locate precisely what you need but also understand its relevance to your work and how to act on it, without switching across different tools.

Enter, Atlassian Rovo

Powered by Atlassian Intelligence, Rovo is a new product that helps you turn information into action in a heartbeat. It accelerates finding, learning, and acting on information dispersed across a range of internal tools:

But AI is only as useful as the data it taps into. We’ve made it our business over the past 20+ years to understand how teams work: common patterns, anti-patterns, organizational structures, and lines of communication. All that knowledge has been poured into a proprietary common data model we call “teamwork graph.” This is the secret sauce that makes Rovo, and all our other AI capabilities, so special. Teamwork graph pulls in data from your Atlassian tools and other SaaS apps you choose to connect, unlocking a comprehensive view of your organization’s goals, knowledge, teams, and work. With every new tool connection, team action, and project event, teamwork graph draws more connections and expands its knowledge to deliver increasingly relevant results.

Rovo Search surfaces the most contextual and relevant results, no matter where the data is stored or the format it takes. It understands what your teams are looking for and provides comprehensive insights from across your enterprise systems.

Want to know if a project is on track? Rovo can provide a robust answer in seconds by searching across all your Atlassian content as well as the third-party content you select – from issues in Jira to the myriad of files stored in Google Drive to the Sharepoint document you’d forgotten about. We’re even building Search to query custom in-house applications, such as those developed for finance or HR, to deliver relevant answers for any team or industry.

Search across all your selected SaaS apps, even custom data sources, all within the Atlassian Experience

Here’s how Rovo Search works:

Get accurate, in-depth answers from your company’s unique data

Rovo understands your company’s knowledge, people, processes, goals, and more so teams can engage with enterprise information in innovative ways. Rovo not only helps teams find information, but supports interactive learning for a deeper understanding.

Deeply understand your company’s knowledge through interactive tools including Rovo Chat

Let’s take a closer look:

Rovo Chat helps teams uncover critical insights through interactive conversation
Clarify company jargon, understand unique acronyms across all your company knowledge

Superpower your workflows with virtual teammates

Rovo Agents will transform teamwork with their ability to synthesize large volumes of enterprise data, break down complex tasks, learn as they take action, and partner with their human teammates to make critical and complex decisions. Agents aren’t just some souped-up version of chatbots. They bring specialized knowledge and skills to a wide variety of workflows and processes. Agents can:

Agents are your virtual teammates who collaborate with their human teammates to solve complex problems and move work forward (Comms Crafter agent shown above)

Agents are tailored to a company’s knowledge and act on additional instructions while always keeping their human teammates in the loop. Here’s how they work:

Sign up for the waitlist today!

We believe AI has the potential to unleash teamwork in an unprecedented way. We are committed to partnering with our customers and partners to build the future of teamwork together, in line with the values we all share. You can read more about our approach to responsible technology here.

We’ve already introduced you to the AI-powered magic of Atlassian Intelligence (which we continue to enhance). Rovo takes human-AI collaboration to the next level by integrating contextual information, conversational AI, and agents into workflows.

Atlassian Rovo is in already in use by select customers. Join the waitlist today for a chance to help shape this exciting project!

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