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From the CEO We closed out Q2 with a real sense of momentum across Atlassian. Our long-term strategy, investments, and...

The "Software Team's Guide to Confluence" ebook is a collection of pro tips and step-by-step tutorials – tailor-made for software teams – that'll show you how to use Confluence for creating, organizing, and documenting...

Highlights from the Summit 2015 keynote address including Hipchat Connect, Jira Software, Jira Core, Jira and Confluence for iOS, the Health Monitor, Room to Read, and Pledge 1%.

We need tools that support the speed at which we work. Even a slight wait can throw you off your...

One of our favorite things at Atlassian is getting to know our customers and hear about how you’re using our...

Jira's been redesigned into three purpose-built experiences for software, IT, and business teams. Why? We discovered that a third of our users were using Jira for non-software projects. So we decided rather than have...