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Discover Atlassian’s cutting-edge AI advancements with highlights from Team ‘24

Who loves feedback? I can you tell that we do. We love it so much that we've created a team dedicated to seeking, synthesizing, and taking action on feedback from our customers. We call it...

We built Confluence Questions to help you share tribal knowledge and get answers to your questions at work. It's helped us share broad, Atlassian-wide questions and get answers to specific questions, too. Today, we're...

We’re proud to announce a new release of Fisheye and Crucible 3.7 today. With it, we’ve made branch reviews more powerful and automatic. This release also brings support to the latest versions of Git...

Back when Atlassian was a very small company, we made a pledge to divert 1% of equity, 1% of product, 1% of profit, and 1% of employee time to charitable causes–a corporate philanthropy model...

I’ve been called many things by many people, and “borderline OCD” is one that pops up more frequently than I...