The first Atlassian Doc Sprint will take place from Monday 22 to Wednesday 24 February 2010. It’s happening in Sydney, in San Francisco and online. You are invited! If you can’t join us in person, you can drop in on our daily webinar sessions, follow the buzz in our online chat room and subscribe to our email list.
What is a doc sprint?
What will we be doing?
Let’s develop the plugin tutorials that we’re missing. These will be awesomely valuable to your developer colleagues and immensely fun to develop. We’ll also create some funky gadget tutorials. These will be even more mind-bogglingly, impossibly fun.
Learn while you write. We’ll have some Atlassian developers on tap to help us over the sticky spots. Help us to make it easier for those who follow in your footsteps. Atlassian super-geeks are oft heard to exclaim:
Seriously, no-one ever reads the documentation!
And then they complain, usually in the very next breath:
I can’t use this $@*$% API – their documentation sucks!
Funnily enough, it’s only the technical writers who see the irony in the juxtaposition of these statements.
What else?
On top of all that awesomeness, we’ll have some fun too. OK, maybe technical writers have a weird idea of fun. Really.
What will you get out of it?
- Eternal recognition as author. Your name will be displayed as author of the tutorial on the Atlassian documentation wiki.
- Kudos from the Atlassian tech writers. We’ll write up our results on the Atlassian blog and we’ll create a Doc Sprint Hall of Fame.
- Chocolate. Indubitably, there will be chocolate in there somewhere.
Join us
So come play with the Atlassian tech writers. We’re the dudes that write the docs that rock. Help us get our documentation up to your own exacting standards. Take a look at the details, pick a chocolate middle name and sign up.