Introducing the newest versions of Fisheye and Crucible. Together, Fisheye and Crucible put development teams into the fast lane as they collaborate on code – sharing, visualizing and viewing code repositories, as well as performing collaborative peer code reviews. Fisheye 2.8 and Crucible 2.8 make code browsing and sharing whiplash fast – regardless of whether you’re using Git, SVN or another SCM. Both Fisheye and Crucible deliver tight integration with Jira, Atlassian’s project tracking tool, and connect to Subversion, CVS, Git, Mercurial and Perforce.
Focus on Performance
In software development, every millisecond counts. Development teams are constantly trying to shave off seconds for each operation performed and the sum of each time savings drives whether projects hit their release date and whether products succeed or fail. The Fisheye and Crucible team are constantly gnawing on this challenge of improving dev speed. Browsing source, searching for artifacts, creating reviews and speeding up collaboration cycles are a critical part of the development process, and they should be fast. We’ve structured our effort for both today’s releases and our upcoming releases on this theme.
Faster Page Loads, Smoother Browsing
Seeing the big picture is key for all developers, especially team leads and their managers. So, we started with the concept of improving page load times as the area where we can create the biggest customer benefits. While the improved page load times ripple out across the product, let’s take a sec to deep dive into the impact we find with Activity Streams. Streams provide a high level view into your projects, showing commit and code review activity in real-time. They are not just provided on the project level, you can view Activity Streams for repositories, directories, author, project and even individual files. Activity Stream page load times have improved by up to 50 times. Check out the difference from data tested on a load testing instance of Fisheye and Crucible.
Along with making page loads faster, we also made sure that the user experience on the Activity Streams improved as well. If you love Facebook and Twitter’s “infinite scroll”, you’ll enjoy the same experience browsing your commits and reviews chronologically on Activity Streams pages.
Did we stop at Activity Streams? Nope. The Fisheye and Crucible Performance Team made improvements to load times of other key pages, including the Projects list (that one’s for you, Enterprise users!).
Getting Social
Another important area for boosting team speed is accelerating the collaboration cycle. Fisheye and Crucible 2.8 introduce some key social features to help assure that the right person on your team gets the right info at the right time.
Easily bring members of your team into a code discussion by @mentioning them in a review or changeset comment. Just type “@” + their name as part of your comment and they will receive a notification that they have been mentioned. From there, the conversation can take place in Crucible or changeset comments where it’s available to everyone, instead of being hidden in your email. Pull them into the conversation – your code will benefit from it!
Why @mention?
- Casually bring in contributors and stakeholders for richer collaboration. Want input from a UX Designer or Product Manager who wouldn’t normally be included in a technical review? A simple @mention brings them into the conversation and gives them a chance to lend their expertise.
- Draw in technical experts from inside or outside the immediate team. @mentions are a non-intrusive way to widen the discussion by inviting specific individuals for specific threads of conversation, without the burden of adding them to the review workflow every time.
- Transparency is just plain helpful when it comes to coding. You know it, we know it.
Share Code and Reviews with your Team
Software development is not just about coding. It’s a network of developers collaborating on a common project. When collaborating, it is important to get information to members of your team (and outside your team) fast. Every aspect of Fisheye and Crucible is easy to share between team mates because everything is just a URL away. All it takes to share any artifact with your team is switching over to your email or IM applications to share information.
But we weren’t satisfied with that. Fisheye and Crucible 2.8 make the sharing of information super-quick. With the new Share Button you can instantly share repositories, reviews, commits, files and diffs with members of your team or users new to Fisheye and Crucible. That means no switching between applications! Click Share, specify the users you’d like to notify by username or email address, provide a quick message for context and Fisheye and Crucible will keep your team up-to-date.
Subversion 1.7 Support
Satisfying a highly voted feature request, we now fully support Subversion 1.7, making Fisheye and Crucible more compatible with your Subversion environments.
Try Fisheye and Crucible 2.8
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Already using Fisheye or Crucible? Your upgrade awaits you. Check out our full Fisheye and Crucible release notes to get started.