Articles About


A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

Earlier this year we made a commitment to build native desktop apps for Mac, Windows, and Linux. Secretly, we also wanted to build better native mobile apps. Today, we’re proud to announce Hipchat for...

In case you missed it in TechWorld last week Nick Good, Head of Technology Efficiency and Field Teams at Virgin Media,...

Several weeks ago we celebrated the success of our Atlassian Foundation‘s unique philanthropy model, which has produced more than $2.5M in donations to Bay Area non-profit...

Backlog weighing you down? One of the most common challenges agile teams face is this: they lose the big picture....

Our three favorite things are Hipchat, Hipchat t-shirts, and you guys - our users. Starting June 17th, we will be accepting entries for our first Hipchat t-shirt design contest, and we will print the...