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A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

Relying heavily on email for internal support? Our free ebook walks you through why email is hard to use for...

On Tuesday, Jira Product Managers Otto Ruettiner and Eve Stankiewicz hosted a webinar on performance testing. In 30 minutes, they revealed the...

The final article in the Confluence 101 series covers the basics of discussing work and collaborating with your team. Learn about the different types of comments, some best practices, and find out how to...

Looking for a smooth, automated, and streamlined continuous integration workflow with Git? This webinar will help you achieve zen when practicing continuous integration with Git branching workflows. Learn how to take full advantage of...

To finish off your Confluence 101 coursework with flying colors, join us for some hands-on learning with a 30-minute webinar on starting off right with Confluence. We'll cover organizing your work, creating content, and...