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A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

Codegeist: The Next Generation Codegeist, Atlassian’s add-on development competition, is back on! The seventh iteration of the world’s best development...

Pull requests – now at the heart of the code discussion. Ever since we introduced pull requests in Stash 1.3,...

Code School is a community of web professionals who use video, in-browser coding, and themed challenges to let you play...

Redesigning an entire application is a formidable undertaking with many risks and possibilities for failure. Brian Nguyen, one of our developers, already covered the challenges of Bitbucket's redesign from a technical standpoint. Now, I'd...

JVM GC tuning is a vast field that books have been written about. Mostly, we’re happy to accept whatever defaults...