Articles About


A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

Last week, Fortune wrote an article about our business model, our vision, and how we're approaching business collaboration. Our DNA is in helping software teams build great products and making it easier to work...

We're excited to announce that Atlassian has acquired Hall – a group chat service for business teams. In Hall, we found a fiercely talented team that shares Hipchat's passion for improving the way teams...

We’re creating documentation spaces for each of our Atlassian Cloud apps to make it easier for you to find the product documentation you...

  Become a rockstar on the Atlassian stage by speaking at our annual conference Atlassian Summit – which takes place...

Can’t afford downtime? Then come see how the biggest companies in the world (85 of the Fortune 100!) use Atlassian,...