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A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

G’day folks, The Bonfire Team has just released Bonfire 2.6 and it has a killer feature that will particularly excite...

This is a guest post from Carole Snitzer, Product Marketing Manager for Gliffy, a visualization and diagramming add-on listed in...

 9:00 am – Ahh, release day. You’ve run your test suite with each commit, and a green build has soaked...

Each week, Marketplace Monday profiles one great add-on available in the Atlassian Marketplace–where you can try and buy more than a...

It’s coming… On November 14th, Atlassian is partnering with the Bay Area Girl Geek Dinner organization to host its first ever Bay Area Girl...