Articles About


A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

New API for ActiveObjects allows performant reading of large tables

The Atlassian Developers site has a shiny new look, improved tutorials and pretty pictures. Is that Confluence I see before...

Atlassian is excited to announce the release of Jira 5.0 beta available today! Jira 5.0 aims to make it easier...

<p>Christopher Walken once famously proclaimed, "Guess what? I got a fever, and the only prescription, is <a href="">more cow bell</a>!". Well the only prescription for our development team's fever, is more features. We're excited...

Atlassian is on the way to Munich for the first Lean Kanban Central Europe Conference. The event will take place...