Articles About


A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

Atlassian Ambassadors talk to Ruben Daniels about Cloud9IDE and the state of development tools in the cloud, social coding and developer collaboration.

In Atlassian Support team we get to work not only on the issues created by our customers but on a...

Founded: 2000 HQ: Chico, CA Employees: 300 Products: Jira, Confluence, Bamboo and Crowd It was brought to my attention that...

Atlassian is excited to announce the beta release of our new Issue Collector Plugin, which makes reporting issues easy. This...

Have you ever had a cracking idea? The sort of idea that just sits and simmers in your brain. Here at Atlassian, we have a team of awesome technical writers, full of ideas like...