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A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

Today we hosted a webinar with Gregory Kneller, IT Consultant, who helps companies arrange effective collaboration on projects and tasks....

Speakers Get a Free Pass! Looking to secure your spot at Atlassian Summit 2011, June 7-9 in San Francisco prior...

We started the open source Atlassian IDE Connector project a few years ago with the goal of providing developers with...

Over the past few months the Confluence Development Team has been hard at work on a number of exciting new features that will be available very soon with the upcoming release of <a href="">Confluence</a>...

We've been brewing up a little something special for our customers. Today we're opening our new tutorial application, Atlassian University, to private beta. Atlassian University is for users who need to spin up tens,...