Articles About


A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

I’m excited to announce the general availability of Jira 4.1. This release is packed with improvements making your everyday interactions...

I’m happy to announce the general availability of GreenHopper 4.4 (for Jira 4.1). In addition to providing compatibility with the...

In a previous blog we discussed how Jira can integrate with Crucible to link code reviews to issues. There were...

Starter Day is a celebration of building great companies. We've assembled founders and executives from six kick-ass technology companies - Redfin, Boxee, Pandora, Hubspot, Scoutlabs and Aardvark - all customers of ours, to share...

Confluence is an <a href="">enterprise wiki</a> that makes it incredibly easy to <a href="">store and share files</a>. With autocomplete and drag-and-drop, it's never been easier to share your Microsoft Office Documents, PDF's and images.