Articles About


A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

We are proud to announce the release of Jira 4.1 EAP today, and invite you to test it out and...

Just what the Doctor Ordered A year ago, our product marketing team started creating Health Checks for each of our products. The review would include a reading on each product's vital signs...

What's a fun, interesting and unobtrusive way to introduce new hires to the rest of the company? Empower them to write their own introductory blog post of course!

This year Atlassian will be making our first ever appearance at the <a href="">Game Developers Conference</a> in San Francisco. And as you probably know by now, <a href="">Steve Wiebe will be at our...

Last week, I blogged about Steve Wiebe, Donkey Kong world record holder, coming to the GDC with Atlassian. He’ll be...