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A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

This is an update to a series on <a href="">Atlassian's Agile Process</a> I did back in 2007.

Automated web testing generally has problems testing sites using Windows Integrated Authentication. This is because the nature of integrated auth is to supply the credentials of the logged-on user - which in the general...

How does Atlassian score on Dean Leffingwell's "Agile Enterprise Acid Test"?

Last week at JavaOne 2009, <a href="">Atlassian Clover received the Duke's Choice Award for Java Technology Tools</a>. <a href="">Clover</a> was hand picked by the Father of Java himself, James Gosling, for it's revolutionary...

Last week at JavaOne 2009, <a href="">Atlassian Clover received the Duke's Choice Award for Java Technology Tools</a>. <a href="">Clover</a> was hand picked by the Father of Java himself, James Gosling, for it's revolutionary...