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A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

This week we <a href="">officially released the Atlassian Eclipse Connector 1.0</a> after wrapping up our <a href="">2-month beta</a>. Thanks to a little help from <a href="">Tasktop</a>, makers of <a href="">Eclipse Mylyn</a>, we have created...

I’m excited today to announce the availability of Atlassian’s newest website, the Atlassian Plugin Exchange. The Plugin Exchange provides an...

I’m excited today to announce the availability of Atlassian’s newest website, the Atlassian Plugin Exchange. The Plugin Exchange provides an...

Don't you hate committing code and then waiting hours to find out you broke the build? Even worse is when other people commit code at a similar time to you, and you get dragged...

There is a pretty kick-ass feature in the latest Confluence release, <a href="" rel="nofollow">Confluence 2.10.3</a>, which slipped right under my nose. It's an addition to the list of the many <a href="" rel="nofollow">supported web...