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A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

If you were under a rock or away from a computer, you may have missed the Atlassian Stimulus Package: our...

Pecha Kucha (pronounced peh-chak-cha) is Japanese for chit-chat. This model offers a lively presentation format for sharing ideas: 20 slides...

<a href="">Atlassian Summit</a> is less than 40 days away. There are dozens of discussions in this 2-day event. As we run up to the event, we wanted to highlight some of the speakers. This interview...

<a href="">Ross Rowe</a>, a long-time friend of Atlassian and <a href="">active plugin developer</a>, has just released the <a href="">Bamboo app for the iPhone</a>. For only $3.99, you can now get instant updates on...

Thanks for David Peterson of CustomWare for presenting his Scaffolding & Reporting Plugins for this month’s Plugin of the Month...