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A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

Every conference we attend seems to be full of passionate Atlassian customers. Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco last week...

UPDATE: The venue has moved from the World Bank to the American Institute of Architects. If you happen to live...

This Bamboo customer story is the first of an 8-part blog series about <a href="">why so many developers adopt continuous integration</a>, written by John Ferguson Smart.

We can all remember those stories of the dark days before our build server was setup. That's why I am excited to announce the first of an 8-part blog series, written by our guest-blogger,...

<a href="">Atlassian Summit</a> is about 2 months away. There are dozens of discussions in this 2-day event. As we run up to the event, we wanted to start highlighting some of the speakers. This interview...