Articles About


A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

After a lot of late nights, debates, and hand wringing, we have <a href="">published the agenda</a> to our first ever worldwide user conference. There are three tracks with over 60 sessions and lightning talks!

Are you one of the 4,200 Atlassian customers who has purchased both Jira and Confluence? OR Are you one of...

It’s hard to believe that only seven years after Atlassian was founded, we’ll shortly hit $100 million in all time...

I was cursing Maven a short while ago after getting the following compilation error : /Users/dtaylor/src/…/macro/browser/beans/[62,5] method does not override...

Hasan Diwan writes a cool blog called the Prolific Programmer and it recently caught my eye when I read his...