Articles About


A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

The extended Atlassian family was out in force at Bicentennial Park to enjoy the sunshine and a great bbq lunch....

<p>At Atlassian we're encouraged as employees to take initiative, and when we do it's not met with a ton of red tape and approvals. The <a href="">Atlassian Foundation</a> allows employees 5 calendar days off...

We’re excited to announce the launch of Crowd 1.2, the latest version of our centralized authentication, single sign-on and OpenID...

In this final part of my series on Atlassian Agile Process I wrap up and reveal XP’s fundamental weakness. Oh...

Agnes called me over because she'd spent the last two hours banging her head against CONF-10035. Apparently, when editing a particular page on extranet, going to preview mode caused all the images and links...