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A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

From left to right: Don, Sam, Dave, Matt, Chris, Tom, Charles, Agnes and Jens. Thanks to the guys from Tangosol...

Maven 1 has recently started to produce a lot of 301 errors (after attempting to download certain dependencies) when building...

Filing effective issues is incredibly important. Every product has a lot of issues in the database, and a lot more get filed every day. The more accurate detail is in each issue, the more...

I was at the Gilbane Boston conference over the last couple days. For all the right reasons, the new Gliffy...

A little-known feature in Confluence is that it provides suggested labels when you are editing content or open the label edit controls at the top of a page. But sometimes these suggestions can be...