Articles About


A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

Jira 3.6, now available to download, includes over 50 new features, improvements, and bug fixes. One of the new features...

Using Confluence as a collaborative application for writing was Jeremey’s blog about, well, using Confluence for writing a paper with...

If you’re ever wondering what a path like ‘.’, ‘..’, ‘../..’ resolve to in WebWork, just add this handy little...

We recently upgraded the Atlassian intranet to a pre-release build of Confluence 2.2. In the spirit of eating our own dogfood, we turned on the new CAPTCHA support, even though it's completely unnecessary on...

We’re excited to finally be able to announce the winners of Atlassian’s first Codegeist Plugin Competition. In Codegeist, contestants had...