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A personal calendar is great for keeping track of your schedule—meetings, appointments, virtual happy hours. What it’s NOT great for...

I just thought this picture of Jens was too amusing to not be posted: *You want support with that?!* I’m...

Changes are afoot in the Confluence codebase for the upcoming AtlassianUser library. There are a few things that are important for you, as plugin developers, to know.

I’ve set up a new mailing list for the Developer Network Subversion repository. We’re using SVN-Notify to email any commit...

Eric Sink has a great post about the <a href="">realities of fixing bugs.</a> Bottom line: every bug has both a benefit and a cost, and you'd best make sure that the benefit of fixing...

Non-profit Mercy Ships, located in Garden Valley, Texas, uses hospital ships to deliver free world-class health care services to the...