Jira, the #1 Agile tool used by teams for project management, now includes powerful Atlassian Intelligence (AI) features designed to simplify and speed up your daily tasks. These AI capabilities are transforming how project managers work, offering tools that automate routine processes, support collaboration, and provide smart suggestions tailored to team workflows. Don’t just take our word for it, look at what our customers have mentioned:

Atlassian Intelligence has helped bring our DevOps practices into Slack to reduce context-switching. Alongside AI answers and issue summaries, harnessing Atlassian Intelligence has led to a boost in our developer experience.”

Martin Brignall, Developer Tooling Specialist, OVO

Jira’s generative AI in the editor helps teams quickly create and update user stories and task details, saving time and ensuring that project documentation remains consistent and clear. AI also makes collecting information in Jira better and easier than before by suggesting improvements to writing quality and adjusting tones to fit different contexts. AI in Jira helps project managers communicate effectively by helping teams use the right tones and ensuring clarity in team updates.

Using AI without leaving Jira means project managers can streamline their workflows, reduce manual workloads, and focus more on strategic planning and decision-making. Some examples of manual tasks include:

  • Creating multiple child tickets from an epic from Jira
  • Reading through a long wall of texts commented throughout a Jira ticket
  • Setting up multiple automation rules with difficult JQL codes instead of natural language

With Atlassian Intelligence in Jira, the process is simplified for you and your team.

AI Features in Jira: Enhancing Project Management Efficiency

Atlassian Intelligence is a suite of advanced AI features that make project management easier and more intuitive in Jira.

The AI-driven tools in Jira help all project management teams by creating flexible content that aligns with their workflow, onboard team members, automate routine tasks, and improve project communication efficiency. These enhancements simplify project management processes and let teams focus more time and energy on higher-impact tasks. 

Create Better Jira issue content with AI

With generative AI in the editor, you can use prompts to enhance content creation across Jira. 

Users can also update user stories directly within tickets, using AI to streamline and standardize the process, ensuring clear communication and alignment across Agile teams. Integrating AI prompts for generating and refining user stories enhances project management efficiency. This results in quicker delivery of project requirements and improved collaboration among team members.

AI in the editor can also assist teams in brainstorming edge cases and identifying opportunities to streamline workflows by suggesting dependency removal strategies. Automating these brainstorming processes helps teams explore and refine projects. 

Communicate Effectively in Context

With AI in the editor, you can refine your communication effortlessly. Whether aiming for a professional, empathetic, or casual tone, AI helps you craft messages that hit the mark. 

You can also use AI to polish your writing, fixing spelling and grammar while keeping it concise. This makes your communications clear and impactful, saving time and ensuring stakeholders are on the same page. For example, imagine a product manager collaborating with an engineer from another country for a feature release but finding a time to meet to be tricky. Without meeting, PMs can find themselves in a struggle to provide all the necessary details on a Jira ticket but also keeping the content concise. By using AI, they can document all the requirements on a ticket and then ask it to condense it and contextualize it for an engineer. Now the PM can save time from meeting live and provide the right requirements to an engineer.

Additionally, Atlassian offers a new feature (currently in beta) that seamlessly clarifies company-specific concepts, jargon, and acronyms: AI definitions. This enhancement is available across Jira and Jira Service Management, and Confluence ensuring teams can quickly understand and apply internal terminology without confusion.

For example, a new team member encounters the acronym “SLA” in a project discussion. With AI definitions, they can simply hover over “SLA” to instantly receive a clear explanation like “Service Level Agreements,” helping them grasp its meaning and relevance within the context of their work. This capability accelerates onboarding and collaboration and fosters a more inclusive and knowledgeable team environment.

Streamline Workflows with AI Work Breakdown

AI work breakdown in Jira simplifies project planning by suggesting how to break down large tasks (epics) into smaller, actionable items (issues or sub-tasks). For example, let’s say you have a complex software development project with a large epic involving multiple features. Doing this manually could take a significant amount of time to finish this but with AI, you can complete it in minutes.

Atlassian Intelligence’s AI work breakdown feature can recommend specific steps to divide this epic into manageable tasks, such as development, testing, and deployment phases. 

This helps to better organize and track progress and ensures that team members have clear, bite-sized tasks to focus on, enhancing overall efficiency and project delivery timelines.

Additionally, you can use AI automation to help you automate tasks, streamlining your workflows even more. In Jira, you can use AI to create rules using natural language. For instance, you can set up automation rules typing directions such as,  “When a high-priority bug is reported, assign it to the development team lead.”

Get Up to Speed Quickly with AI-Powered Summaries

AI-powered summaries in Jira provide efficient summaries of the seemingly never ending comment threads within a Jira ticket. It can be daunting to read over all the comments just to address a comment or two that actually needs a response. With AI-Powered summaries, you can now do this with ease. These summaries highlight key context points, identify decisions made and pending action items, and condense lengthy discussions into digestible insights. 

Additionally, Atlassian Intelligence can summarize content from Smart Links, such as Confluence pages, Jira issues, and Google Docs. These summaries makes sure that all relevant information is readily accessible and easy to grasp, enabling faster decision-making and streamlined collaboration.

Streamline Queries with Natural Language for JQL

Jira Query Language (JQL) is a powerful language when used right, but it’s also a tough tool to pick up for someone who has never used it before. But now with Natural Language to JQL, it does’t have to be. Natural language processing (NLP) in Jira simplifies JQL, making it more intuitive and accessible for users across teams. Instead of grappling with complex syntax and filters, users can now enter queries in everyday language directly into the new issue navigator. 

This lets you effortlessly find specific work items by typing queries as they would ask a colleague. Queries like “What are the most recently updated stories?” or “Find unresolved issues assigned to me due this week and ordered by priority” are straightforward and yield precise results.

The AI-powered search feature in Jira intelligently interprets these queries, eliminating users needing to memorize JQL syntax or deal with multiple criteria selections.

Try out AI for Jira project management today

As you can see, AI in Jira not only saves you time but improves the quality of information you capture for better project management and team collaboration. There are even more features coming that will integrate seamlessly into your daily workflow to add AI magic to your workflow.

Features like AI issue reformatter will be coming soon to make project management processes even easier. This feature will help adjust headings, contextualize information, and improve information accessibility within issue descriptions and power your teamwork in Jira.

Check it out by trying a Premium or Enterprise edition of Jira today and get access to these features and learn more about how Atlassian Intelligence works in Jira.

Get out of tickets and into the work, faster with AI in Jira