Quickly define terms with AI definitions

Quickly define terms with AI definitions

Best ways to use AI definitions

Atlassian Intelligence is a suite of capabilities that can streamline and enhance collaborative work. It offers various features to help with project management, communication, and productivity across Atlassian products like Jira and Confluence

Atlassian’s AI definitions feature lets you define company-specific terms, acronyms, project names, and statuses directly on a Confluence page. Companies often develop their own terminology to define concepts, projects, and processes unique to their organization. Having access to AI-driven definitions directly on a page accelerates collaboration by ensuring team members can quickly understand and align with these specific terms without needing to leave their workflow.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about how to use AI definitions. 

Understanding Atlassian Intelligence

Atlassian Intelligence uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) to understand and interpret inputs, allowing you to interact with the tools more naturally and intuitively, such as by asking questions or giving commands. 

You can use Atlassian Intelligence to automate tasks like ticket creation, status updates, and workflow transitions. It can also help you understand a user’s work, provide relevant suggestions, and generate content. 

Learn how Atlassian Intelligence works to get an idea of all the tasks you can perform with it. 

So, why should companies use Atlassian intelligence? 

How to define terms with Atlassian Intelligence

Atlassian Intelligence offers a convenient way to understand and define terms directly within Confluence pages or blogs. 

Keep in mind that these definitions are accessible only when viewing a Confluence page or blog and are not available in the AI editor. This ensures that users can gain knowledge on the pages they’re reading without interfering with content creation and the existing content on the page. 

Follow these steps to define terms with Atlassian Intelligence: 

Highlight what you want to define

If you come across a term you don’t know, simply highlight the acronym, word, or phrase. This action tells Atlassian Intelligence that you want more information about the selected text. 

Select Define

After highlighting the term or phrase, you’ll see a small toolbar pop up. Find and click on “Define.”

Instantly receive a definition

Atlassian Intelligence quickly defines the highlighted word. This definition appears instantly on the same page, so you’ll never have to navigate away from your current document. 

Why use Atlassian Intelligence definitions?

Atlassian Intelligence definitions address a common challenge teams face — the diverse and often complex jargon unique to each organization. This obstacle can hinder onboarding, project transitions, and catching up on crucial information. 

With access to clear and consistent explanations of terms directly on Confluence pages and blogs, Atlassian Intelligence definitions offer these advantages: 

Integrating Atlassian Intelligence definitions into your daily workflows

Any team can integrate Atlassian Intelligence definitions into their daily workflows. Here are some specific use cases you can try: 

Explore additional capabilities of Atlassian Intelligence

Wondering how Atlassian Intelligence helps your team work smarter in other ways? Here are a few other capabilities to try: 

AI features are integrated across Atlassian products, including Jira, Jira Service Management, Confluence, Trello, and more. For instance, in Jira Service Management, you can end bad service management with tools to generate incident summaries, summarize issue details, create content, and look for answers across your knowledge base. Meanwhile, use AI in Trello to quickly detect and structure actionable items within your notes.

Use Atlassian Intelligence for quick definitions to streamline workflows

By tapping into Atlassian intelligence for quick definitions, teams can weave this tool into their daily workflows to boost efficiency and collaboration. Whether you’re managing projects, developing products, handling HR tasks, or crafting marketing strategies, AI provides a versatile solution for defining terms and ensuring clarity across teams. 

With AI definitions, team members can stay in the zone without the hassle of hunting for information off-page, ensuring smoother collaboration and faster decision-making processes. 

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