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In the devops era, the technology tools you choose are critical for fostering innovation and overcoming development and deployment challenges,...
In the devops era, the technology tools you choose are critical for fostering innovation and overcoming development and deployment challenges,...
An inspiring user experience is built on great product, which requires both quality code and a dynamic, intuitive design. While...
The Atlassian ecosystem has been a game changer for customers like Twilio and Lufthansa that use apps, plugins, and integrations...
As marketing becomes a more technical discipline, it's imperative to find tools that streamline processes, help teams communicate, and enhance work transparency. With these 5 integrations and add-ons for Jira, Confluence, and Hipchat (not...
Many Atlassian customers don't realize there are loads of add-ons and integrations within our marketplace, including these 5 Jira plug-ins an HR department can use to create a unique, customized central system for their...