Stay code-connected with 12 new DevOps features
Less context switching. Fewer meetings. More time to code and deliver value to customers.
Less context switching. Fewer meetings. More time to code and deliver value to customers.
Endless use cases, without any added complexity.
Find out what's new from the fan-favorite feature.
In the Bitbucket team, we believe containerization is the future of continuous integration and deployment. Running your software in containers...
When we built Bitbucket Pipelines, one of our goals was to make a tool that developers love. And if there’s...
Teams are deploying code faster than ever, thanks to continuous delivery practices and tools like Bitbucket Pipelines. But this has caused...
We’ve heard your feedback loud and clear – Bitbucket Pipelines needed build numbers, something you can use as a unique numeric identifier...
We’re big fans of both Node.js and Docker at Atlassian, and Bitbucket has seen some great adoption among these communities....
The countdown to Atlassian Summit has started again. Once again this year, we’re encouraging everyone to submit a speaking abstract...
I'm not sure whether this is a new feature in IDEA 7, but it's pretty cool: automatic linking of Jira issues in version control commit messages back to the Jira instance of your choice.
Today we’ve completed an exciting new redesign of this blog. With a cleaner layout, this should make it a bit...
In many ways, Confluence has grown organically, and its dependency tree is no exception. Confluence has well over 100 open...
Last month, Atlassian hosted Sydney’s Java User Group meeting at our new offices in Sussex St. We were lucky enough...
My ShipIt project this time was fairly ambitious: provide a pluggable user repository layer for Confluence that allows dynamic configuration...
In the Confluence team, we’re investigating an upgrade of our data access layer of Hibernate 2 with Spring 1.1 to...