Team Up with Bitbucket

Team Up with Bitbucket

UPDATE: Since we released this feature, we’ve also released a way to transfer your individual repositories to your team. Check out our documentation for full details!

It’s finally here! Bitbucket Teams makes it dead simple to create a shared account to consolidate your team-owned repositories and organize your group’s work.

Get Your Team Goin’

Setting up a Team for your company, university, or open source project is a breeze. We’ve added links to the Profile Menu, so you are always just a click away from:

To create a team, simply set your team name, send some invites, and click create. Boom.

Collaborate seamlessly

Creating repositories to share with your team is effortless. Select your team as the owner of a repository, and team members will get access to the repo.

Simplify Access Management

Make anyone an admin. Or don’t. The power is yours. Organize your team members into groups to easily manage read / write / admin access for your repositories.

Need to add someone to your team? No problem. Search by username or add anybody by email address, whether they have a Bitbucket account or not. Those new to Bitbucket will receive an invite to sign up in seconds and get automatically added to your Team.

Priced Right for Small Teams

In order to continue to make Bitbucket awesome, we have restructured our pricing plan to introduce a new 100 user tier.

Bitbucket is still free for 5 users, and only $1 a user for each user tier after that. University and non-profit accounts are also free. Best of all, unlimited public and private repositories for all!

If you’re already a customer on Bitbucket, you will be able to continue to use Bitbucket under your old plan for life.

Get Started Now

Join the growing number of small teams that host their code on Bitbucket.

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