Workspace admins can now set the following project-level settings: default reviewers, access keys, branching model, and merge strategies. These project settings can be inherited by all the repositories in the project.

What problem are we solving with Project Settings?
For a while now, customers have been asking for an easier way to manage their repositories in bulk. Per repository settings and user management is too granular but workspace level settings are too global and not flexible enough for key differences. Workspace admins find it tedious to set default reviewers, for example, for each repository when there might be a common set of reviewers across an entire project.
Project settings also helps admins set and maintain standards that must be enforced across an entire project, which will help them with their compliance needs.
What can you do with Project Settings?
Project settings is a long awaited improvement to the way you manage your repositories across Bitbucket. For existing projects, workspace admins can set project settings and then chose which repositories should inherit them. We know that not all your repositories have the same standards and so this gives you the flexibility to pick and chose how this feature works for you. For new projects, when a workspace admin sets project settings, they automatically get applied to all repositories created in that project, but you can choose to customize them per repository.
Default reviewers and access keys
These settings are cascading, meaning that the project-level settings automatically apply to each repository, but admins have the ability to add additional default reviewers and access keys to an individual repository.

Branching model and merge strategies
These settings can either be inherited at the repository level or set for specific repositories – whatever works best for your team!

Get Started
Workspace admins can use project settings now! Just navigate to the Project settings page, and you’ll see the new settings in the left sidebar.

Up Next: More Settings!
Bitbucket Cloud aims to progressively add value by moving more repository settings up to the project level. That’s why we’re bringing project settings to you now while we still have a lot to do. We’re continuing to work on building out more settings, as well as creating a way for workspace admins to enforce project settings on repositories. Keep an eye out for posts and updates on upcoming releases.