Does it ever feel like the codebase you work in (or its core dependencies) can change in the blink of an eye? As soon as you’ve moved to the latest version, a new stable release comes out. It’s even more frustrating when it happens inside your company. Sure, it might come up during daily standup… but that doesn’t always capture the downstream impact.
Now, you can watch repositories to get an email update with the latest commits or pull request updates. We’ve even added a fresh new look and a little something extra, just for fun. Read on to learn more, or get started with Bitbucket Server 5.10 now.
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Staying up-to-date with repositories
Staying on top of the latest changes across multiple repositories can be harrowing for the most seasoned developers. Monolith apps can get hundreds of pull requests in a week, and a team across the globe might make a change to a shared dependency. There has to be a better way for developers and managers to get the latest updates without having to dig through pages of pull requests or commits, right?
With the new watch repository functionality, you can receive email notifications for the repos you’re interested in (and only for those). Most developers are familiar with variations of this feature, but we wanted to offer refined control for the types of email updates you might receive.
Bitbucket Server’s watch emails can be customized to include commits to the default branch only, or all branches as well as pull request state changes, or all pull request activity. These updates can either be batched or sent immediately. Each option helps developers optimize for different goals. Batched emails reduce your inbox clutter, while immediate email updates make sure you know what’s going on as soon as it happens.
A new look for Bitbucket Server
our bold new brand this past September and today we’re introducing a fresh look for Bitbucket Server and Data Center. You may have already encountered it in Confluence server. It is the same Bitbucket workflow you know with a crisp, beautiful UI. Our new look is based on the Atlassian design language and includes updated colors, typography and icons.
Download Bitbucket Server 5.10
Improving developer productivity is near and dear to us at Atlassian – especially since we dogfood all our products. Our devs are loving how Bitbucket Server 5.10 surfaces repository updates in a more intuitive fashion so they never miss a beat, and we hope you’ll love it too.
Btw, if you want to add a little fun to your code review, we’ve also added support for the unicorn emoji ()! Because y’know… unicorns.
Interested in the details of our latest release? Read more in our release notes.