5 conflict resolution skills to help you keep the peace

5 conflict resolution skills to help you keep the peace

Conflict in the workplace is inevitable, but with the right processes and skills, you can transform disagreements from problematic to productive.

Working with other people means navigating different experiences, perspectives, expectations, communication styles, and work approaches. That makes conflict inevitable, and conflict resolution an invaluable interpersonal skill

But that’s not necessarily bad news. Research shows that workplace conflict can actually be healthy for teams. So what’s the key to ensuring that disagreements are productive rather than poisonous?

What’s the best approach to conflict resolution?

Empathy is the antidote: conflict resolution at work

Every conflict is unique – and so are the ways individuals respond to them. The Thomas-Kilmann model explains that, generally, there are five ways people tend to react to conflict: 

  1. Competing: Pursuing your own concerns at the other person’s expense
  2. Accommodating: Neglecting your own concerns to make the other person happy
  3. Avoiding: Not pursuing your own concerns or the concerns of the other person
  4. Collaborating: Digging deep into the conflict to find solutions that fully satisfy each person’s concerns
  5. Compromising: Finding solutions that partially satisfy both parties (often more realistic and expedient than collaboration)

But while conflicts are nuanced and can be met with varied reactions, they have this in common: They’re a problem to solve. A standard approach to conflict resolution can be boiled down to: 

5 conflict resolution skills 

Understanding the typical mediation process is helpful, but the right conflict resolution skills will make reaching an agreement even smoother. Here are five that are crucial for successful conflict resolution: 

  1. Communication: To solve a conflict, people need to understand each other – and that means they each need to be able to clearly communicate their point of view and expectations. Nonverbal communication carries a lot of weight in conflicts too, as cues like posture, gestures, and facial expressions could either strengthen or undermine the points you’re making.
  1. Active listening: Communication isn’t only about talking – listening matters too. Active listening, in particular, is the most helpful for smooth and respectful conflict resolution. When digging to the root cause of the disagreement, take turns summarizing each other’s perspectives to reach a mutual understanding before trying to find a resolution. 
  1. Objectivity: Objectivity might seem like something that’s imperative only when you’re mediating a conflict that you aren’t directly involved in. But, as challenging as it is, it can also be a boost when resolving disagreements that directly impact you. Objectivity allows you to see things with a more balanced point of view, as opposed to setting up a narrative in which you’re the hero and the other person is the villain. 
  1. Empathy: If you think achieving objectivity is impossible, empathy can help you understand and rationalize how other parties in the conflict feel. When you take some time to actually connect with other feelings and perspectives, it’s easier to approach the conflict with a productive and collaborative mindset. 
  1. Emotional intelligence: As the Cleveland Clinic explains, successful conflict resolution depends on your ability to regulate stress and other emotions. That’s why emotional intelligence – the ability to recognize and manage your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others – is so crucial for effectively resolving a conflict. 
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