Create engaging Confluence pages in 4 easy steps

Create engaging Confluence pages in 4 easy steps

One question we get a lot is “How do I get people to actually read my Confluence pages?” We’ve found that often beautiful pages are the most read and engaged with. So the real question here may actually be: “How do I make my Confluence pages pretty?”

Before we dive too deep, check out this video, which covers a number of versatile tools, like templates, layouts, and all the secret macros you need in your arsenal to make an engaging page.

The 4 steps to creating engaging Confluence pages

Follow along as we share tips on how you get your coworkers to engage with your content.

1. Use a template

Templates are a great way to get going fast. Each and every template you see in the Confluence gallery was born from multiple SMEs; in designing them, we incorporated best practices from how we use templates Atlassian, but we also consulted the experts. Hubspot developed the quintessential Creative Brief. created a pretty-much-perfect Hiring Process template. And Lucidchart documented an AWS architecture diagram that would make any boss proud. To find your perfect template, check out the entire gallery, or simply start with a template when you create a new Confluence page.

“The templates – I really love them. If you want to make a decision, there’s a template for that. You don’t need to know a business process, because the template shows you.”

Jose Lorenzo Rios Guerrero, Management Information Systems Manager, Yutaka Tech

Personally, we love the Business status update template because it creates really nice, skimmable blocks with distinct colors. This helps with readability and ultimately is easier to engage with.

2. Choose your editor tools

Here are the basic elements that take your editing to the next level and ensure your page is easy to read.

3. Mix in some special macros

For some extra formatting options on your page, use the all-powerful slash command.

For example, the Attachments macro lists the files attached to a page, while the Widget Connector macro lets you include assets like a YouTube video or Twitter feed.

Some other favorite macros that really make a page pop:

4. Choose your layout

Once you have all your content and macros on your page, you’ll need to figure out how to put them all together in the most compelling way possible. We recommend you wait until you have all your content on the page before considering the layout; it’s hard to present what you don’t have yet.

To determine the layout of your Confluence page:


While Confluence gives you the freedom to organize the perfect layout for your page, sometimes less really is more. If your content is best communicate through a simple page, there’s no need to get too fancy.

And with that, you have a beautiful page that is easy to read and engage with. Soon you’ll be getting fellow Confluence users asking you: “How do I create Confluence pages that look like yours? 

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