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Great projects come from great teams, working in collaboration Think of the most successful, most satisfying project you’ve ever been...

Many Atlassian customers don't realize there are loads of add-ons and integrations within our marketplace, including these 5 Jira plug-ins an HR department can use to create a unique, customized central system for their...

Highlights from the Summit 2015 keynote address including Hipchat Connect, Jira Software, Jira Core, Jira and Confluence for iOS, the Health Monitor, Room to Read, and Pledge 1%.

We need tools that support the speed at which we work. Even a slight wait can throw you off your...

If you track and report most of your work in Jira, the integration between Confluence and Jira makes it easy to insert your release results straight from Jira into a Confluence page, where you...

We know. If you're not familiar with using wiki software, the first thing you think of is probably Wikipedia. If that's not the first thing, then it's probably "WTF is a wiki?" Check out...