Articles About


Discover what’s new in Confluence to propel your work forward.

Twitter has grown rapidly over the last few years, adding employees, offices, and acquisitions as quickly as the next trending topic explodes and dies away. Growth and change internally puts a burden on the...

As marketing becomes a more technical discipline, it's imperative to find tools that streamline processes, help teams communicate, and enhance work transparency. With these 5 integrations and add-ons for Jira, Confluence, and Hipchat (not...

"Ohhhhh $#!τ. We broke Confluence." In one of our first Confluence Cloud releases in 2016, we broke our users' ability to edit pages. As the head of Atlassian's site reliability engineering group, this...

We’re excited to announce new learning content at Atlassian University to help accelerate your success. Atlassian University now offers something for everyone, from brand-new users to Jira admins. Our new learning levels provide content...

Gathering customer feedback, turning feedback into actionable inputs, and then prioritizing those inputs for your development team are some of...