In January, we announced plans to end support for Connect over an extended period of time. The process will unfold over three phases detailed below. Since that announcement, we have spoken with hundreds of developers and analyzed data collected via survey. Based on those assessments, we have determined a timeline and pre-requisites for each phase.

We have also identified certain Connect modules and capabilities that we do not plan to replicate in Forge. These features represent very low usage or do not align with the Forge security model. Unplanned modules are now listed in the developer documentation.

Phase One will discontinue the listing of new Connect apps on the Marketplace. Notice of this deprecation starts today and enforcement will begin on 17 September 2025.

As we enter the first phase of End of Support, we are committed to maintaining transparency and dialogue throughout the process. Developers can track progress through the Connect equivalence roadmap and surface or review existing requests for features through the FRGE project.

Summary of feedback

We want to thank the partners and customers who submitted feedback through the survey, as well as the hundreds more who provided additional feedback through the Community forums and in direct conversation. Your contributions were instrumental to determining timelines and next steps.

Learning #1: Developers who have already begun adopting Forge propose a shorter End of Support timeline than developers who have not yet started. Those who have already begun moving apps to Forge overwhelmingly supported End of Support within ~18 months. Developers who had not yet started requested significantly longer durations. We recommend that all developers explore adopting Forge to familiarize themselves with the process as soon as possible.

Learning #2: In some responses, developers assumed migration would require adoption of Forge hosted capabilities; however Forge remote is a viable option for apps that already have remote services. In these circumstances, it is possible to move existing modules while interacting with existing backend services via Forge Remotes to simplify the migration.

Learning #3: Based on feedback from the survey, we have published new documentation to assist your planning and migration:

  1. A list of capabilities which are available today and their mapping to existing Connect capabilities
  2. A list of capabilities which are not yet available and their status (roadmapped, under consideration or not planned)

Defining a Forge app versus a Connect app

As we begin to enact Connect end of support, it becomes increasingly important to clarify the official definition of Connect versus Forge. This definition will determine which apps can be listed in the Marketplace when Phase One goes into effect. Moving forward, an app must meet the requirements listed below to be considered a Forge app. For example, an app that has a Forge manifest and a mix of Connect and Forge modules will be considered a Connect app until all Connect modules are removed.

Forge appConnect app
– Exclusively uses Forge modules
– Forge auth (OAuth)
– Forge UI (Custom UI or UI kit)
– May use Forge Remotes
– Uses one or more Connect module
– Uses Connect auth (JWT)
– Connect UI (iframes)

Connect End of Support phases

End of support will take place over three phases, with associated timing and details below. Each phase will have an applicable (6 – 12 month) deprecation notice period from its formal announcement, providing developers time to plan and align with new requirements.

Phase One: No new Connect apps on Marketplace

Notice Period Begins: Mar 17, 2025

Enforcement Begins: Sep 17, 2025

In Phase One, all new apps published on Atlassian’s Marketplace must be created on Forge and may not contain any Connect modules. Existing Connect apps on the Marketplace are not impacted by this change.

Phase Two: No new updates via Connect descriptor changes

Notice Period Begins: September 2025

Enforcement Begins: March 2026

In the second phase, Marketplace apps with a Connect descriptor can no longer be updated. This ensures actively maintained and developed apps are readily onboarded onto Forge. With this phase, Marketplace will cease polling for any new Connect descriptor updates. Note: apps using Connect modules will still be able to receive updates, as long as they have adopted the Forge manifest.

The ability to install new Connect private apps via Connected Apps will become unavailable. Private apps development should be transitioned to Forge.

Phase Three: Connect enters end of support

Notice Period Begins: Q4 CY2025

Enforcement Begins: Q4 CY2026

In the third and final phase, Connect will enter an end of support state (defined below), where apps can continue to utilize Connect modules, but do so at their own risk. Connect will no longer evolve with our products and platform, and as significant changes accumulate in our products over time, Connect integration points may become incompatible.

Defining end of support

Connect consists of a collection of capabilities (JWT, descriptors, etc.), modules (web items, web panels, macros, etc.) and extensibility (APIs and Javascript APIs). All of these Connect components will be in scope for end of support.

In practice, end of support means ‘use at your own risk.’ When end of support takes effect, Connect will no longer receive new updates or features. Only critical or security-related bugs will be addressed, and any bugs which are deemed to be non-critical or do not also impact a Forge equivalent will not be fixed. Support queries for the Forge platform will be prioritized, and SLOs for responding to ECOHELP tickets and escalations related to Connect and Connect modules/extensibility will be lengthened or removed. Customers who have Connect apps installed won’t lose access to the app, but this is an undesired state for customers due to lack of support, and we will message accordingly to customers on the Marketplace. In addition, new versions of the app will not be able to be delivered on Connect.

For example, when Connect integration points become incompatible with the future state of our products, they are likely to be deprecated in an accelerated timeframe and become Forge-only. We will make these assessments on a case by case basis.

Modules and capabilities not yet available for Forge

While Connect and Forge both provide the ability to extend our products, the specific implementation of modules or capabilities may differ between the two platforms. Our objective is to deliver key use cases that can be achieved on Connect to the Forge platform, and most Connect modules have a Forge equivalent today. However, there are some Connect modules or use cases that we do not plan to deliver, in cases where they are no longer fit for purpose or appropriate on the Atlassian platform.

Capabilities that are no longer fit for purpose, along with features that are roadmapped or under consideration can be found on this page.

If you believe any of these capabilities are critical to your ability to deliver your app, please reach out to your Partner Manager, comment/vote for the existing FRGE ticket, or raise a FRGE ticket. While we cannot commit to replicating every Connect feature on Forge, this will bring further awareness to your requirements and inform prioritization.

Next steps

With the announcement of the Phase One notice period, partners should plan to list any Connect apps currently under development on the Atlassian Marketplace by 16 September 2025, and undertake all new app development on Forge. Any new Cloud apps listed on the Marketplace after 17 September 2025 must be created on Forge and may not contain any Connect modules.

We also recommend developers begin preparing for Phase Two by ensuring all existing Connect apps have a Forge descriptor.

Developers who need assistance with a migration should create a support ticket or post in the developer community. We recommend bookmarking the Forge Changelog and the Forge Roadmap to stay up-to-date on planned capabilities and phase pre-requisites.


These updates and announcements apply only to Connect apps for Confluence and Jira.

For updates on the future of Connect for Bitbucket, please refer to Update regarding the recent announcement for Connect in Bitbucket Cloud.

Announcing Connect End of Support: Timeline and Next Steps