Answering your questions about adopting Forge from Connect

We recently announced that partners with existing Connect apps can now build Forge-powered features. With access to all of the exciting new features coming to Forge, Connect builders now have a wider array of capabilities, continuing to get the best the Forge platform has to offer.

Following that announcement, we hosted a webinar (recording here) where the developer community asked questions – lots of them! We’re excited to see that so many of you are eager to get started with this new way of building.

To share the knowledge, we rounded up your best questions so the entire community can benefit. If you haven’t read the announcement blog post yet, head here to get up to speed, then dive in to see what the community wanted to know more about.

Some of the Connect modules I use don’t have a Forge equivalent. Can I still adopt Forge?

Yes, you can. Adopting Forge isn’t all or nothing. You can keep your existing Connect modules and use Forge modules in an additive fashion, or convert only some Connect modules to Forge versions (which you can do incrementally). This ability to mix and match means you can keep using Connect modules alongside Forge.

Which capabilities are only available in Forge and not Connect?

In addition to extension points like UI modifications and custom fields in Jira, apps that adopt Forge also get access to other benefits:

Check the documentation for a complete list. The Forge module reference details all modules that are specific to Forge.

How should I communicate the update to my customers?

While pushing your first Forge update to the Marketplace does require a new major version, it’s also a great touchpoint to inform your customers about the investments you’re making. We recommend using the language below or similar to tell you customers about the new changes:

This release upgrades the app’s underlying developer platform to Forge. This will allow us to bring you new features and capabilities that are exclusively available on the Forge platform, including new extension points and storage hosted by Atlassian. Be sure to upgrade so you can continue to get the latest and greatest functionality from [app name].

If a Connect app stores data, can that data be migrated to Forge storage?

Once a Connect app has adopted Forge, you can use Forge remote to migrate stored data to Forge. See: Access Forge Storage using GraphQL. Note: there is currently no direct pathway to migrate data in modules which store data (e.g. workflow post functions). There is an EAP for migrating module data in Confluence.

Can we do calls from Connect to the Forge backend? What about the reverse, from the Forge frontend to the Connect server?

Web Triggers enable inbound requests to invoke Forge backend functions via Forge remote..

To go the other way around, you can use the invokeRemote UI bridge method to call out to your Connect backend from any Forge front-end (UI Kit 2 or Custom UI). The ability to invoke a remote from your Forge backend function is coming soon.

Can a Connect app that has begun to adopt Forge call Forge REST APIs?

Yes, the token which is provided by Forge can be used to request product APIs. It’s worth noting that it will not inherit the Connect scopes which are defined in your manifest; you will need to add scopes.

Will my existing Connect backend still get the installation payload with the sharedSecret so we can make REST API calls the Connect way?

Any app with Connect lifecycle events defined will continue to receive the installation payload. It will also include an installationId which enables you to associate it to the Forge installation.

Can Bitbucket Connect apps start to adopt Forge?

Not yet. For now, we’re prioritizing a few remaining compatibility gaps for Confluence and Jira apps. It’s worth highlighting that Forge support for new Bitbucket apps recently became generally available, and we expect more Forge capabilities for Bitbucket to be coming soon.

What does it mean for this feature to be in Preview? Can customers use the app on the Marketplace?

Yes, Preview features are production ready, and ready to be used by customers on the Marketplace. To reach Preview, a feature must pass Atlassian standards for stability, reliability, and security. As a Preview feature, adopting Forge from Connect has the same level of support as a generally available feature, and it’s turned on by default for any developers who wish to use it. The difference between Preview and Generally Available is a slightly shorter deprecation window: one month instead of six.

Learn more about how you can push your updated app to the Marketplace after adopting Forge.

Still have questions?

We hope you found this roundup useful! If you don’t see your question on this list, we’re here to help. Post your question in the Adopting Forge from Connect category on the developer community, and we’ll be there with a quick response.

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