Kick Your Codegeist Project Into Gear

Kick Your Codegeist Project Into Gear

Codegeist 2022 is off to a great start! In the first four weeks, we have had 2,886 participants sign up, and we’re thrilled to see the excitement building in our community as teams bring their projects across the finish line. However, we know how hard it is to make the time to see a project to completion. You aren’t alone if you haven’t been able to finish — or aren’t sure how you’ll find the time to fully build out your project.  

There are a lot of great reasons to get your work in by the deadline (just a reminder: that’s October 31 at 5pm EDT). For starters, the prizes! There is an incredible $300,000 in prize money available across 53 prize categories, and several ways to win part of it – from giving Forge feedback, to telling an amazing Codegeist story, and more. Plus, there are awesome participation prizes available for the first 400 people who enter a submission, and we’ll be sending three first-place winners to Las Vegas.

Another great reason to double down and create a project during Codegeist is to develop it into an Atlassian Marketplace app. Not only does this give you, the developer, a potential revenue stream, it also gives the community something that helps make their work life easier. From speaking with Atlassian Marketplace developers, we know there’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of seeing something you built going live and being used.

4 Tips to Find Momentum & Finish Strong

You’ve got 26 days left to submit! Here are our tips for getting your project done and, most importantly, feeling proud about what you’ve created.

🏆 An MVP is perfect

We’re thrilled that you’re giving app building on Forge a try, whether this is the start, or another awesome stop, on the long and rewarding journey of building Atlassian apps. What you submit for Codegeist 2022 doesn’t have to be perfect – remember, “perfect is the enemy of done” – and you can keep improving on it in the future. Just get to an MVP that you’re happy with and submit it to the judges!

🤔 Remember why you started

If you’re feeling stuck or unsure what you need to do next, think back to why you started building this idea. Who are you helping? What are their needs? Giving some thought to how you started – and who you’re going to help – can be a much needed boost of motivation and insight.

Hackathons are also great for personal development – consider the many skills you’re learning while you work on your project, and how those will help you achieve your long term career goals. Perhaps even write a blogpost about your experience with Codegeist, or post in the Atlassian Developer Community! It might be just the thing for someone in your shoes at the next Codegeist (and, you can submit your post to the Codegeist Storytelling category)

💡 Get inspired

Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration to light a new fire in your belly. Crank up the music, watch the scene of Rocky running up the steps, and try these suggestions:

Take a look at the winning apps from past years, or peek at different types of apps already available in the Marketplace

Try talking to people about your idea – sometimes getting a fresh perspective and a little bit of encouragement can help you find the motivation to finish 

️ 🗓️ Make a plan

Hackathons like Codegeist bring all sorts of benefits for the community, for Atlassian, and for developers just like you – but it can be hard work staying on track, especially when life happens. Making a plan to get your project over the line can be a great way to stay accountable to yourself. You’ve got X weeks/days left – what’s one little thing you can do every day to move your project forward? Make a plan showing what you’re hoping to achieve until you cross the finish line.

Atlassian is here to help

Stuck in a technical rut? Use these Atlassian resources to help you finish.

Where are we now?

Kick Your Codegeist Project Into Gear

We’re rooting for you!

Codegeist is an annual highlight for the Atlassian community and we couldn’t be more excited to see your contributions.

Submit your project here by October 31 at 5pm EDT.

Don’t forget – you’re an amazing dev, and you’ve got this!

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