Today, we are happy to announce the launch of the Early Access Program (EAP) of data residency realm migration for Connect apps. This EAP release includes a new service and associated APIs, and is the first step toward enabling you to support customer requests for data migration and meet the requirements of enterprise customers with specific data residency needs in cloud.

What is the data residency realm migration Early Access Program?

This Early Access Program (EAP) will enable you to start integration and testing of new APIs for Connect app(s) to support migration of app data to match the parent product realm.

How do I participate in this EAP?This is an open EAP, meaning it will be available to any developers wanting to integrate and test the new realm migration service and endpoints.

To participate in this EAP, add the data residency migration hook into your descriptor and integrate the new migration lifecycle endpoints.

By participating in this Early Access Program (“EAP”), and adding the data residency migration hook into your app descriptor, you acknowledge the Atlassian Privacy Policy and that access to any of our APIs, SDKs or other Atlassian developer assets is subject to the Atlassian Developer Terms.

More details of this EAP feature are available here.
What are the eligibility requirements to support this EAP feature?The app must support the relevant realm for pinning of in-scope data, and automated migration of in-scope data between supported realms.
What migration endpoints are available?POST/schedule: notifies all eligible apps to schedule migration

POST/start: notifies eligible apps that have successfully responded to the schedule hook to begin the migration

GET/status: called to fetch the status of the ongoing migrations

POST/commit: asks all of the apps that have the ready to commit status to commit the copy data to the new realm

POST/rollback: asks all of the apps that are not ready to commit to roll back the non-destructive copy operation
What are other considerations I should be aware of?App migrations will be performed while the site is down

App migrations will be performed at a product-level (customers cannot choose individual apps to migrate)

Eligible apps will have a maximum of 24 hours to migrate the app data
What was already available as part of Connect Data Residency?Realm pinning, the ability to pin app data of new installations to the same location as Atlassian parent product (if relevant app supports the required realm).

Customer experience for Connect app data residency

This release does not include any updates made to the customer-facing UI, and customers will not be able to schedule realm migrations of their Connect app(s) after you have made updates to your Connect apps throughout this EAP. We anticipate the customer-facing release to come in the first half of 2023.

We have decoupled the release of the APIs and underlying service from the customer-facing UI to allow you and your team time to start integrating and testing the new capabilities, prior to customers’ access to app migration capabilities.

Early Access Program timeline

This Early Access Program will be open and available for any Connect app developer to test until we transition from Early Access Program into our Preview* state, which will signal that the feature is ready for production use.

As stated above, we anticipate both the Preview and customer-facing release to take place in the first half of 2023, and we plan to keep partners updated on timing and other details related to the release via the developer community, developer blog, partner portal and changelog.

We are aiming to coincide the timing of the Preview release with the customer-facing release, so customers can begin scheduling app data migrations through the admin UI, after partners have shipped data residency to production. We do not recommend shipping realm migration changes to production until the Preview release begins.

*Preview means that the feature is available for production use, and that a 1-3 month deprecation period and notice is provided for any breaking changes that may be introduced.

Early Access Program resources and documentation

You can find detailed, step-by-step documentation here which also outlines a testing avenue for your app. If you have any questions or would like to provide feedback, please reach out to us by leaving a comment on this post on the developer community.

If you face technical issues with APIs or bugs, please raise via our developer support desk.

What’s next for Connect app data residency?

If you’re interested in learning more about the future of Connect app data residency or data residency as a whole, including when Forge will support data residency, our app data residency roadmap, and where to go for future updates, please read through this community post and leave a comment for the team if you have any questions!

Data residency realm migration for Connect apps: Early Access Program