Developer Day 2022: Uniting our Global Community

Developer Day 2022: Uniting our Global Community

Bringing together our community to make lasting connections is one of the most valuable parts of our annual Developer Day event. Designed to unite leading voices from the app development industry, Developer Day 2022 was a global event where we learned, shared, and grew together. 

This year, we hosted hundreds of attendees from 25 countries along with Atlassians and Marketplace Partners including CollabSoft, Adaptavist, and Appfire. Although speakers presented online, connections were made between Atlassians and Developers on the very active Dev Day ’22 Slack Workspace, where participants could also ask questions and learn from each speaker.

For an intense few hours, Developer Day brought us together to celebrate the creative things the developer community is building, watch technical how-tos, and learn about exciting new product features and how these improvements impact the Atlassian Developer Community.

If you didn’t get the chance to join us live (or, even if you did!), read on and get caught up on five key insights from this year’s Developer Day.

Exciting Feature Announcements

Celebrating recently released features and revealing new ones to our community is a key part of Developer Day. Many new features have been added so far this calendar year, and the Forge team continues to add to and work on the product roadmap. From doubling limits and quotas on Forge to doubling the size of the Amazon Lambda that Forge apps deploy on (which increased the amount of memory available to apps), we’re constantly helping Forge become a better platform to build on.

This year, two important feature announcements took place in our Developer Day Opening Keynote: Forge Mobile and Forge Runtime 2.0.

Forge Mobile

Life is mobile – and now Forge is, too. Forge Mobile is a new feature that allows Forge apps to render on mobile devices, so developers can empower customers to work from anywhere. Developers can create a similar user experience on desktop and mobile devices by plugging apps into the Jira and Confluence mobile experience.

Forge Mobile will be rolled out starting with a Developer Early Access Program in late 2022. Stay tuned for more information on how to sign up!

Forge Runtime 2.0

We’ve been working on improvements that will make Forge’s core compute capabilities more flexible. Forge Runtime 2.0 will make Forge runtime more like the standard Node.js runtime and removes some of the restrictions that exist today, allowing developers to create more freely and improving the developer experience.

Similar to Forge Mobile, we’re targeting releasing an Early Access Program by the end of 2022. 

We’re excited to see what our community creates using these new features. If you want to learn more about ongoing Forge development, take a look at our Developer Day Bonus Talk: Forge on Forge: How the Forge team builds Forge apps at Atlassian.

Investing in our Platform, Economy and Vision

Our opening and mid-day Developer Day keynotes focused on extensibility within the ecosystem. Extensibility is key to the future of the platform and a core Atlassian product value, creating solutions for customers and opportunities for partners. Throughout the day, keynote speakers highlighted the importance of further investment in the Atlassian ecosystem.

Our belief is that open and flexible tools give teams the freedom to define what work looks like for them. There’s always more to build and create, and the opportunities for Marketplace Partners are truly limitless. 

That’s one of the reasons why Atlassian invests directly in the next generation of Marketplace Partners through our Ventures program. With an initial investment of $50M, Atlassian Ventures was established in late 2020 to propel our mission to unleash the potential of every team.

Developer Day Goes Social

We know from our own experience that conferences aren’t just about the presentations. Conversations that take place in the hallways can sometimes be the highlight of the entire event. 
Our goal was to recreate this experience as much as possible in a virtual setting using our Dev Day ’22 Slack Workspace. Developers were able to communicate and connect with one another along with Atlassian employees, ask questions about the future of the company and specific sessions, network, and look forward to the future of the platform.

Developer Day is truly about the community, so we’re always looking for ways to facilitate these exchanges. The Slack instance is an example of how we work to make Developer Day an interactive, community-focused event. 

Going Hands-On With Practical Partner Demos

Many of our community members were excited about the number of practical partner demos that took place this year. During these sessions, presenters showcasing real-world insights and developer successes with Atlassian. 

Here are a few highlights.
Ludicrous Speed – Speed up Development with Forge Tunnel and Vite

Oliver Siebenmarck, Co-Founder (Polymetis Apps) presented on the topic of speed and how to improve development time. In just 10 minutes, he showed the audience how to use Forge templates, custom UI, and Vite to see your code changes faster in your application.

How to Launch a New Product on the Marketplace, and Why it Makes Sense to Do it Now 

Grzegorz Tańczyk, Principal Software Engineer at Appfire presented a personal case study on what it’s like to launch a new product on the Atlassian Marketplace. A great tutorial for beginners, viewers get a full primer on the Marketplace customer lifecycle, the opportunities available to Marketplace Partners, and finally, how to successfully launch and monetize your app.

Discovering the Future of the Atlassian Ecosystem

To close the day, Atlassian co-CEO Mike Cannon-Brooks answered audience questions regarding the current direction and future of the ecosystem. Atlassian is a company started by developers, and that developer ethos remains today. Mike emphasized the important role developers will play in Atlassian’s shift to the cloud and our continued investment in developer tools like Forge.

You can view the keynote in full on YouTube to hear his full responses to important community questions.

It’s Not Too Late to Catch Developer Day 2022

Did you miss all or some of Developer Day 2022? It’s not too late to catch the streaming sessions on demand on YouTube, and make sure to keep an eye out for bonus talks coming soon to YouTube. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at Developer Day 2023!

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