Get Pumped for Developer Day ’22

Get Pumped for Developer Day ’22

Ready to hear the community speak? Anything is possible at this year’s Developer Day. 

If you’ve been able to attend a previous Developer Day, then you already know what a special time it is for our community. Developer Day 2022 is a great opportunity to learn from experts, discover how Partners are finding success in the Marketplace, and spark ideas for your next creation. 

This year, we’re expanding our roster of speakers to include not only Atlassian employees, but developers from across the Atlassian ecosystem coming to share their knowledge and expertise building successful apps. We’ll be covering topics relevant to Forge, Connect, and P2, so there’s guaranteed to be something for everyone.

Read on to get a peek at this year’s sessions and special events happening virtually on June 9th, 2022.

Keynotes Throughout The Day

The Developer Day Opening Keynote centers on how extensibility is driving Atlassian’s platform strategy. Leaders from the Ecosystem product and engineering team will discuss the current and future state of the Atlassian developer platform and highlight new opportunities for developers to build custom solutions. Join us and learn how customer insights and security trends that are shaping the Marketplace, and discover how developers can tap into the power of the Atlassian platform to build enterprise-grade apps.

In the middle of the day, Atlassian COO, Anu Bharadwaj will take the virtual stage to discuss the Atlassian platform vision. She’ll unpack the trends and strategies informing Atlassian’s journey.

Finally, we’ll end the day with a few words from Mike Cannon-Brookes, Atlassian co-founder and co-CEO. He’ll answer a few pre-submitted questions from the developer community to close out the event.

Session Highlights

The sessions at Developer Day will touch on many topics that are important to our community. Here, you can discover new use cases through developer stories, grow your knowledge with professional skillshare sessions, or listen to tips from successful startup insiders. 

Here are a few of the highlights to get you excited.

Automating the Migration of App Data from a P2 Plugin to a Forge App

Pooja Jangid, Software Engineer at Atlassian

Previously, there wasn’t a way to automate the migration of app data from P2 plugins to Forge apps. But that’s all about to change.  Join us to hear about our progress on the P2 plugin to Forge app migration platform, learn how you can participate in the testing process, and view the roadmap to plan your automated app migration path.

Forge App Usage Tracking with Amplitude

Julian Wolf, Technical Coordinator Cloud at Seibert Media

Want to get greater insight into how your Forge app is being used? Currently Forge apps don’t include usage tracking out of the box, but Amplitude allows developers to get information about user interactions in-product. In this session, you’ll learn how Julian achieved an integration with Amplitude and walk away with concrete tips and code examples showing how to collect usage data from all your app installations.

How to Launch a New Product on the Marketplace, and Why it Makes Sense to Do It Now

Grzegorz Tańczyk, Principal Software Engineer at Appfire

Come hear the inspiring story of how one developer took an idea from discovery to profitability in just 6 months. His advice will help you understand the key metrics and adequate strategies to succeed in the crowded and ever-changing landscape of the Atlassian Marketplace.

URL Navigation in Connect Apps Using React Router 6

Antoine Benain, Software Architect at Elements Apps

In this talk, Antoine from Elements Apps will explain how react-router and the Connect JavaScript API can be used to provide URL navigation in Connect apps. This enabled usage of back/forward buttons to navigate through app screens as well as URL linking directly into app screens.

Ludicrous Speed: Speed up Development with Forge Tunnel and Vite

Oliver Siebenmarck, Co-Founder at Polymetis Apps

Have you ever had to wait forever between making a change in code to seeing the result live in the application? Then this talk is for you. If you dare to be just a tiny bit experimental, there’s a world of wonder – wonderfully fast, that is! This session will go from a fresh Forge template to using the Forge tunnel, to building Custom UI with Vite, to finally going full speed with Vite’s Hot Module Reloading.

But Wait, There’s More!

We know that virtual events aren’t the same as meeting your friends, new faces, and professional connections face to face. We’ve got a few tricks up our sleeves to help bring us all closer together.

Developer Day Slack Channel

Tapping someone on the shoulder to ask a question is so old fashioned. Join us on our Developer Day Slack channel to mix and mingle with Developer Day speakers, Atlassian employees, and peers. We’re creating specific channels for each session too, so you can virtually chat with other folks interested in the same topics.

Keep an eye out for a link to join the Slack channel in the first week of June.

Swag Giveaways

Who doesn’t love a free pen? Just kidding – we won’t be giving away any pens. But we do have a cool giveaway planned for the folks who attend and participate in the live Developer Day event. And if you receive a piece of swag and don’t love clutter, you can trade it in for a charitable donation instead.

Sign up for Developer Day 2022 today. Can’t wait to see you on June 9th!

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