July 2022 update: In the months since launch, we’ve made several improvements to Forge for Jira Service Management, including three additional extension points:

  • jiraServiceManagement:portalRequestViewAction
  • jiraServiceManagement:portalUserMenuAction
  • jiraServiceManagement:portalRequestCreateProperty

We’ve also added a new Hello World tutorial and an example app demoing how to display a user’s most recent requests on the Customer Portal Request Detail Panel.

Forge for Jira Service Management also now supports both classic and granular scopes. If you’re building a new app, we recommend using classic scopes.

Today we’re excited to announce that Jira Service Management extension points are now available for Forge. This means developers can now build Forge apps that customize Jira Service Management, Jira Software, and Confluence – bringing us one step closer to extending Forge across the full Atlassian product suite.

Jira Service Management serves over 35,000 customers and represents Atlassian’s fastest-growing product at scale. Named the only Visionary in the 2021 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Service Management Tools, Jira Service Management is reimagining ITSM for today’s digital-first, hybrid organizations. App developers play a central role in that transformation. With this release, developers who extend and customize Jira Service Management can now build on top of our next-generation cloud app development platform, Forge.

Forge offers developers a particular advantage: the ability to host an app within the Atlassian cloud. Forge takes on some of the heavy lifting necessary to build an app that can be installed by thousands of users, including secure infrastructure, serverless functions that scale automatically, and an intuitive CLI. It’s never been faster, easier, or more secure to build powerful apps for Jira Service Management.

I think about Forge as the biggest revolution ever in the Atlassian cloud world. Besides benefits for vendors, like super quick deployment, there are many benefits for end-users, like apps like-a-native-feature experience. All of this will help to build trust in Forge apps within the entire ecosystem.

Krzysztof Skoropada, Head of Atlassian Apps, Deviniti

What’s new?

Compatible extension points available with this release include all existing Jira Service Management REST APIs and 8 UI modules:

With these building blocks, developers can build Forge apps that customize the customer portal, automate workflows between Jira Service Management and Jira Software, and more. In the next few months, we plan to add to this set of capabilities, unlocking even more use cases.

Get started by adding the appropriate Jira Service Management scopes and templates to your manifest file.

As of this release, portal users must have an Atlassian ID in order to create service desk requests via Forge apps. We are currently in development to allow ticket creation by anonymous users. Watch the roadmap for updates

What can you build?

We’re excited to see the creativity and innovation unleashed as developers begin to explore Jira Service Management on Forge. Here are a few uses cases Forge is uniquely suited to serve.

OAuth integrations, simplified

With the recent release of external authentication, Forge provides a wrapper for authenticating with external services that use OAuth 2.0 (such as GitHub, Google, Slack, and many others). External auth handles requesting, storing, and refreshing access tokens, reducing the complexity required to integrate.

SaaS integrations are already some of the most popular apps in the Marketplace, and linking Jira Service Management with the tools and services organizations use is critical. On Forge, we encourage you to consider building apps that connect Jira Service Management with best-of-breed tools.

Enterprise apps with less overhead

Building apps for enterprise customers comes with a set of complex expectations and requirements, including compliance with privacy and industry regulations. This increased overhead has kept the enterprise market out of reach for many small partners.

By choosing Forge, developers building Jira Service Management apps have a head start to meet enterprise requirements. Forge includes enterprise-ready features out of the box, like secure underlying infrastructure and the ability to keep data storage and compute on-Atlassian.

Customizations tailored to individual orgs

The ways organizations use Jira Service Management are as varied as they are. Whether it’s a specialized workflow, a compliance requirement, or bespoke reporting, many Jira Service Management customers take advantage of the flexibility of the platform to build in-house solutions to unique problems.

Forge empowers organizations to adapt Jira Service Management to their workflows, instead of the other way around. A Forge app can be as lightweight as a serverless function, spun up in just an hour, or as robust as a complex Marketplace app. In-house developers and Solutions Partners have a lower barrier to entry when it comes to building custom apps, with a framework that scales in complexity in proportion to their needs.

Watch a demo

Follow along with Atlassian software engineer, Tohfa Rabab, as she shows how to create a new Forge app for Jira Service Management.

What’s next?

Jira Service Management is used by tens of thousands of companies worldwide, from small organizations to Fortune 500s. Apps play a critical role in helping teams, agents, and customers come together to get work done and solve problems. With the ability to build Jira Service Management apps on Forge, developers now have a new way to build faster, more securely, and with less overhead.

This week’s release is just the beginning. We have more additions to Forge for Jira Service Management in the works, including:

  • More UI modules: jiraServiceManagement:requestViewAction , jiraServiceManagement:portalUserMenuAction , jiraServiceManagement:portalRequestCreateProperty
  • Support for service requests created in the customer portal by anonymous users (users who don’t have Atlassian accounts)

Follow the Forge Roadmap to stay up to date on changes.

If you have questions, we’ll be standing by in the community to help. Get started building apps for Jira Service Management by visiting the docs. We can’t wait to see what you build!

Get Started with Forge for Jira Service Management