In 2020, we started an initiative called Jira/Confluence Cloud First Releases for Ecosystem which enabled a developer to enroll their cloud instances to receive Atlassian’s latest cloud platform APIs, features, and changes.

We’re happy to announce that we’ve made improvements by branding this program as the Developer Canary Program, and introducing two new apps (one for Jira and one for Confluence) that you can install on your test instances.

While the initial release of initiative provided value, the Developer Canary Program addresses a few concerns we’ve heard in the Marketplace Partner and Developer Community:

  • Developer Canary Program – We renamed the program to clarify its purpose: it’s a mechanism to put your apps in the first cohort of tenants to receive production-ready features, NOT to have you test features that are weeks or months away from being released to production.
  • Developer Assistant for Jira and Developer Assistant for Confluence – These two apps are now available on Atlassian Marketplace that you can install on your test instances. By introducing these apps, we are making it easier to enroll your apps in the first cohort production-ready features.

(As a side note, the apps were built using our new development platform, Forge.)

Those who submitted their cloud instances as part of Jira/Confluence Cloud First Releases initiative (via the Google Forms) will continue to be part of this program even if they don’t install these apps.

Note that due to differences between various platform and product release processes, not every cloud change will go through the Developer Canary Program.

You can learn more about this program and how to get started with these apps at

This program is part of our efforts to improve Partner Sentiment and Stability and Reliability with our Developer and Partner Community. For more details on our efforts on improving Ecosystem Platform and Marketplace Stability and Reliability, follow our updates here.

*Marketplace Partners with at least 1 paid-via-Atlassian app qualify for Partner Portal resources. If you experience any issues getting access, and meet the eligibility criteria, please open a support ticket and our team will work to get things resolved as quickly as possible.

Introducing the Developer Canary Program