Jesse Gibbs

We're excited to announce the release of the latest version of the Atlassian Connector for IntelliJ IDEA!

This IntelliJ plugin is freely available to everyone, and allows you to access JIRA issues, Bamboo builds, Crucible code reviews and FishEye SCM insights without switching tools.

The latest version, 2.1, introduced a bunch of awesome features that make common activities easier and faster. Our own developers have been 'dogfooding' with the plugin for a couple of weeks now, and I've heard nothing but great things about the new functionality.

  • The new active issue toolbar remembers the JIRA issue you are working on, tracks time spent on the issue, and automatically updates the issue status to 'in progress'.
  • JIRA-ActiveIssue-Annotated.png

  • JIRA-QuickAccess-Annotated.pngKeyboard shortcuts bring your JIRA issues within a few keystrokes:

    • Press Shift-Alt-J to see your recently viewed issues.

    • Press Shift-Alt-S to do a quick search for an issue.

    • Click an issue key in the IDEA editor to open the issue.

  • Creating pre-commit Crucible code reviews is quick and easy, and doesn't require the creation of a patch.

  • You can now create a review while committing your files. A Crucible review is automatically started for the changeset.

  • Crucible-CreateReviewOnCommit-Annotated.png

There are a bunch more new features that are going to make working with JIRA, Bamboo, Crucible and FishEye even easier for IntelliJ users. You can get the full details in the release notes.

Want to see the Atlassian Connector for IntelliJ in action? Check out this three-minute video that shows how you can easily work with JIRA issues, Bamboo builds, Crucible code reviews and FishEye SCM insights as you work on source files.

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