Ken Olofsen

crucible icon.pngIn the first two parts of my little blog series on the Crucible 2 beta, I covered iterative reviews and the new usability improvements. One of the most requested features from existing customers was better JIRA integration and I'm excited to let you know that we have improved this greatly.

JIRA + Crucible 2: Better together!

For developers using JIRA to manage issues and tasks, Crucible adds a very valuable quality assurance step to your development processes by making it quick and easy for teammates to complete code reviews.

Here are some of the key integration features:

  • Suggested issues - When creating new reviews, Crucible automatically Crucible 2 - Link suggestion.pngsuggests potentially related JIRA issues based the commit messages or the review title. You can link them to your review with a single click.

  • Access review details in JIRA - Review comments are automatically incorporated into the comments of the linked JIRA issue. There is also a Crucible tab which includes all of the review details.

  • Link comments as subtasks - When adding comments to a review, you can also create a corresponding subtask in the related JIRA issue with just one click.

  • Crucible 2 - Link JIRA.png
  • Resolve subtasks from Crucible - Once a comment and subtasks are linked, you can resolve them from either Crucible or JIRA and they'll be updated in the other system as well. This means you don't have to leave Crucible to update the status of your issues in JIRA.

  • Crucible 2 - JIRA Hover Details.png
  • Hover details - Just move your mouse over any JIRA issue key to get a hover box with essential issue details including title, status, reporter, and assignee. Click to expand and get even more details like the full description, issue type, project, created and modified dates.

Managing your JIRA issues and Crucible code reviews has never been easier!

Give us your feedback

Download the public beta of Crucible 2 and check out the Crucible 2 Beta Release Notes for more information.

You can also check out these updated public instances:

Kick the tires yourself and let us know what you think.

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