Don’t know how to get feedback at work? Here are some practical ways to start

Don’t know how to get feedback at work? Here are some practical ways to start

Peer feedback is so important to your career growth and development. But, what’s the best way to ask for it? Most companies have at least a yearly performance review process but in reality, the best way to continually grow and learn from your experiences at work is by getting feedback on a regular basis. 

Kim Scott, former Google executive and now best-selling author of the book Radical Candor has spent years researching how we can give and get better feedback at work. In a previous article, we covered Kim’s elements of Radical Candor, but today, we are going to dive into some practical ways you can get better at giving (and receiving) feedback in your work. 

1. Get it

If you want to be good at giving feedback, you also need to be good at getting it. Remember the old saying, “Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it”?

You need to feel comfortable asking your team or direct reports for feedback, and in doing so, you help establish a culture where feedback is not something to be feared, but a normal part of working as a team. One way that Kim recommends eliciting feedback is at the end of a 1-on-1 meeting. When you do: 

2. Give it

If you want to be a person that gives good feedback, you have to practice! And remember, it is practice, so you will fail along the way. Just keep these things in mind to help you out:

3. Gauge it

“Radical candor gets measured not at your mouth, but at the other person’s ear” – Kim Scott

One of the truest things about feedback is that it’s all about your audience. It doesn’t really matter how good of a job you think you did sharing feedback, if your hearer feels hurt or attacked – that is on you. A good way to measure your feedback is to use the Radical Candor framework, and ask people how the feedback you offered landed for them. Sharing this framework among your team provides everyone with a shared vocabulary for offering good feedback.

4. Encourage it

Having a healthy feedback process at your workplace isn’t something that is just going to happen naturally. It takes a champion, like you, to encourage people to respond and communicate well with each other. Especially if you are in a leadership position, and you have people coming to you with complaints or seeking advice, insist on “clean escalation”. Here’s what that looks like:

Truth: it’s part of the human condition

Now, you may be thinking, “that’s all fine and good for some companies, but my company is different. That would never work here.” That may very well be true; every company culture is unique.

But Kim reminds us that it’s universally human to value love and truth. No matter what your work culture is like, remember that radical candor is measured at the ear of the receiver, so meet your coworkers where they are, especially given the business context you work in.

It takes a village to give good feedback, so please, share these ideas with your team, help them learn about the framework, and start having better conversations. And if you haven’t yet read our first article about Kim Scott’s elements of Radical Candor, give it a read through, too.

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Visit to get the book and learn more about Kim’s work. To watch the entirety of Kim’s talk at Atlassian Summit, check out the video.

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