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IT Service Management

See how you and your team can move from cost center to revenue driver, and become a tech leader in the process.

Any team that slings code for a living deals with service issues. They know all too well the hated red alert... the dreaded text in the middle of the night... the loathsome ping from...

I'm part of a team called Service Enablement, which is a special project group within the broader support team at Atlassian. We work closely with the support, engineering, product, and design teams to ensure...

Despite ITIL’s status as the gospel of IT, traditional ITSM (IT Service Management) tools supporting traditional ITIL leave many IT organizations frustrated. Keeping it old school works in a lot of areas, but IT...

In the mad dash for the end of the year it's easy to forget that after all the lights, drinks, and budgets from 2015 come to a close, your company expects you to know...

High-performing IT teams are embracing the DevOps revolution. And no wonder: a recent survey from HDI showed that the consumerization of technology is raising the bar in terms of what companies expect of their...