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IT Service Management

See how you and your team can move from cost center to revenue driver, and become a tech leader in the process.

The Daily Telegraph's Director of Service Delivery, was facing a seemingly impossible task: bring service delivery back in-house, and do it within three months. Learn how they applied the agile manifesto and improved customer...

Some of the world's most respected brands employ some seriously innovative solutions when it comes to their service desks. Find out what they did to turn their average service desks into IT super-centers with...

At Atlassian, we love interacting and listening to you, our customers. Two years ago at Summit 2013, Atlassian introduced Jira Service Desk in response to customers who were looking to use Jira as an...

Anyone who works in support will agree: it feels like the dev team isn't exactly on your side. One of the biggest frustrations in support is when a problem can’t be solved because the...

The IT world you know and love exists primarily today thanks to the bedrock of the IT community: ITIL - the IT Infrastructure Library. Initially published between 1989-1996, ITIL has grown to more than...